Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I love the Republican spin machine

MDE has a great post about how AG candidate Matt Entenza complained about homecoming kings and queens being sexist in a 1982 article. I know that in college I've said some pretty liberal things as well but I've never said anything as liberal as our ranking Republican Senator Norm Coleman. My favorite Coleman quote would have to be from the early 70's while running for student senate:
"these conservative kids don't fuck or get high like we do (purity, you know)... Already the cries of motherhood, apple pie, and Jim Buckley reverberate thorough the halls of the Student Center. Everyone watch out, the 1950s bobby-sox generation is about to take over."

Ok, so I know I just said that we've all said some liberal things in college but let's look at what our Republican buddy said in 1993 when he was running for Mayor of St. Paul:
"I have never sought any other political office. I have no other ambition other then to be mayor."

He goes on in the same letter to say:

I am a lifelong Democrat
. Some accuse me of being the fiscal conservative in this race -- I plead guilty! I'm not afraid to be tight with your tax dollars.
Yet, my fiscal conservatism does not mean I am any less progressive in my Democratic ideals. From Bobby Kennedy to George McGovern to Warren Spannaus to Hubert Humphrey to Walter Mondale -- my commitment to the great values of our party has remained solid.

I'm just trying to keep everybody honest and on the same page here.
I'd like to thank publius for pointing this out to me.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

It's been awhile

Sorry it's been so long since my last post but I've been in the middle of a move and without internet access for awhile. I've also been very busy on the campaign. We finally got the website up www.halkimball.com it's a work in progress but it's getting there. Shirts came in today too so things are really starting to pick up. I'm also in the middle of planning Hal's campaign kickoff week which should be ready soon, it's going to be 6/16-6/25. We're starting at the Hutchinson Water Carnival and finsihing at Good Neighbor Days in Howard Lake with just about every city in the district covered in between. We're always recruiting volunteers for that week and to do other things around the district so feel free to check out the website and sign up to volunteer, money is also always needed. Dille is finally in for a real challenge which is going to be something new for him so we'll see how he responds. I'll be sure to post the schedule on here as well as on the website once it gets finalized.

Well, I'm off to the Twins game, so until next time.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Quote(s) of the Day

"I base a lot of my foreign policy decisions on some things that I think are true. One, I believe there's an Almighty. And, secondly, I believe one of the great gifts of the Almighty is the desire in everybody's soul, regardless of what you look like or where you live, to be free. I believe liberty is universal. I believe people want to be free. And I know that democracies do not war with each other."

---President Bush

"The implication that there was something wrong with the war plan is amusing."

---Donald Rumsfeld

Happy Anniversary

On this day in the year 2003 George Bush, while aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, proclaimed, "mission accomplished!" Now I don't claim to know everything, but the last time I checked our mission in Iraq was ongoing and costing us 10 billion dollars a month. If only I'd bought stock in Halliburton after we accomplished our mission in Iraq.

Friday, April 28, 2006

More Pictures From the 7 CD Convention

These are all pictures of Hal Kimball, running for State Senate in SD 18 with various candidates at the convention. Hal hasn't publically endorsed any candidate but is talking to all of them like any good politician. You gotta start making those connections now. I'll be working on Kimball's campaign this summer and through the elections. Anybody living in SD 18 or anybody that wants more information on Kimball can feel free to contact me and I'll put you touch with Hal. He'll be running against Steve Dille, a 3 term incumbent, but Kimball is a true advocate for the issues of SD 18. Dille only knows big hog farming and is advocating for the big farmers and not the people.

Kimball and Steve Kelley (MN Governor Candidate)

Kimball and Klobuchar (US Senate Candidate)

Rep. Colin Peterson (US Rep. CD 7)

Gotta Love Republican Values

This is House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) leaving his hybird car to jump into his gas-guzzling SUV. Hastert was giving a speech at a gas station about the high cost of gas. After showing up in a hybrid to give the speech, he drove several blocks and then switched to the SUV.
It was a good effort on his part though.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Quote of the Day

"George Bush has become something of an embarrassment."

-- Likely incoming White House Press Secretary Tony Snow in an article five months ago.

Long Day

My day started at 7am when I got up and ready for the long day. I went to pick up the rental car and then Lisa at 8:30. I brought Lisa down to the cities so she could be a part of the MSUSA ED search committee. After 4 hours of driving I was down there for a total of 1 1/2 hrs. I was able to have lunch with my Dad though which was fun. I went to pick up Lisa and then drove the 4 hours back to Bemidji.
The ED search went well and there's 6 candidates that they hope to interview at this weekends board meeting. Unfortunately I won't be able to be there butI'm sure they'll make a great decision.
It was a long day, and now being the rock star that I am I'm going to bed.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Ah How I Love American Values

This should really be required viewing for every American....or at least every conservative Amercian.

The Candidates I Can Safely Say I'm Supporting

Pictures from the 7 CD Convention. These are all candidates that I'm supporting in the upcoming election. I haven't decided on my Governor candidate still though I have weeded out Hatch.

All my peeps

Rebecca Otto (State Auditor)

Christian Sande (Secretary of State)

Amy Klobuchar (US Senate)

Thanks Julie for all the great pictures that I was able to steal from your blog. Thankfully you had pictures of all the people I'm supporting so it made it easy for me.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

That was Awesome

Yesterday's convention was so much fun. I'd like to congratulate Julie and everybody else that had a hand in putting it together.

Hal was able to shmooze a lot of important people, and was able to meet a lot of the people he needed to connect with in his district. Nicole took a lot of good pictures of him with Peterson, Klobuchar, Kelley, Hatch, and some others. We were also able to talk to Peterson's campaign and get them to commit to helping. Hal's really starting to role now. I'm so excited for this summer and into next fall. I think we have a great chance of winning this thing.

As for the candidates I feel I can now endorse some of them. My own personal preferance for Secretary of State is Christian Sande, for US Senate I'm now going with Klobuchar. When it comes to governor I'm still totally up in the air. It's not Hatch though that's for sure. I think Nicole put it best when she called him a Democratic Pawlenty. I love Lourey but I'm not sure she has a chance at the endorsement. I also really like Kelley and his education policy and it seems that he's gaining momentum.

My final endorsement that I'll make is for Al Franken in '08. His speech at the dinner was amazing. He had not only myself in tears but also Roger Moe, and Moe isn't exactly the funniest guy in the world. Franken speech was so excellent. I am now able to see him as a politician, and a good Senate candidate. His speech wasn't only full of jokes but it had its moving moments and its "ah-ha" moments as well. I bouth Franken's book "The Truth with Jokes" and got it signed by him. I was also able to get a picture with him that I'll post as soon as Nicole gets it to me.

All-in-all we kicked some ass yesterday, and it got me that much more pumped up for this summer.