Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I love the Republican spin machine

MDE has a great post about how AG candidate Matt Entenza complained about homecoming kings and queens being sexist in a 1982 article. I know that in college I've said some pretty liberal things as well but I've never said anything as liberal as our ranking Republican Senator Norm Coleman. My favorite Coleman quote would have to be from the early 70's while running for student senate:
"these conservative kids don't fuck or get high like we do (purity, you know)... Already the cries of motherhood, apple pie, and Jim Buckley reverberate thorough the halls of the Student Center. Everyone watch out, the 1950s bobby-sox generation is about to take over."

Ok, so I know I just said that we've all said some liberal things in college but let's look at what our Republican buddy said in 1993 when he was running for Mayor of St. Paul:
"I have never sought any other political office. I have no other ambition other then to be mayor."

He goes on in the same letter to say:

I am a lifelong Democrat
. Some accuse me of being the fiscal conservative in this race -- I plead guilty! I'm not afraid to be tight with your tax dollars.
Yet, my fiscal conservatism does not mean I am any less progressive in my Democratic ideals. From Bobby Kennedy to George McGovern to Warren Spannaus to Hubert Humphrey to Walter Mondale -- my commitment to the great values of our party has remained solid.

I'm just trying to keep everybody honest and on the same page here.
I'd like to thank publius for pointing this out to me.